Inspirational Stories

  • Angelica 


Professional athletes are watched and admired by millions of people around the world, their names are shouted by fans during matches and some of them have the power to inspire our daily life, they are often so adored that we forget they are human.

In this article, we want to look up to those who have overcome massive challenges in order to achieve their goals or about athletes who have faced death but returned to perform at the highest level of their sport, obviously, there are countless story about it, but let’s have a look at some of them.


Bethany Hamilton, Surfer

Bethany Hamilton grew up in Hawaii, at the age of 7, she was already able to surf waves. In 2003 when she was just 13, she survived a 14-foot tiger shark attack in which her left arm was bitten off.

This tragic event also inspired a Hollywood movie based on her life (Soul Surfer). As she recovered, she made a promise to herself she would get back on the surfboard, well, not only did Hamilton return to the water, but she went on to ride some of the world’s biggest waves.

To all the people that asked her why she would get back into the ocean with sharks she just answered: “Well, I just have more fear of losing this love that I have for riding waves.”



Michael Jordan, Basketball player

Michael Jordan is literally synonymous with basketball, by the time he retired, he was the most decorated basketball athlete ever. He attributes his success to his many failures because he has claimed they made him try even harder.

Before moving on to become one of the greatest and most recognized faces in all of the sports he was cut from his high school basketball team because he was not tall enough for the university team. This crushed him and he swore to work hard and shine as a basketball star. In addition, he overcame emotional trauma after the brutal murder of his father. Jordan took a break from basketball after his father’s attack and returned to lead the Bulls to three consecutive NBA titles.

Jordan says: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”


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